The process of treating
hearing loss can require many customized steps as we determine your needs, lifestyle, degree of hearing loss, budget and other factors. However, one step remains the same for everyone-- looking in your ears! By looking inside your ears, we can determine if you have too much ear wax buildup, perforated or scarred ear drums, excessive dryness, and more. The procedure that audiologists perform when examining the structures of your ears is called otoscopy. During otoscopy, we check both inside and outside the ears for abnormalities. The tool that we use to see inside is called an otoscope. An otoscope is a flashlight tool with a magnifying glass for up close viewing of the inner-ear canal, eardrum and beyond. It’s important to have an audiologist do this work. If you think you might be experiencing hearing loss, or know someone who is, call us to make an appointment. Hearing loss could simply be the result of wax buildup, which we can remove professionally using multiple techniques. As your mother always said, never put anything in your ear smaller than your elbow! Keep scrolling to learn more from Dr. Chelsea Bega’s article, “What is Otoscopy?”